
Possible impact of COVID19 on GDP growth in 2020

Students: Iochabel Peixoto dos Santos . Denny Lin . Nestor R Benavidez Tapia

Instructor: Olga Gould

University of Victoria

Statistical Values

Name 2019 2020
Mean 2.5613 -3.6984
Standard ERROR 0.2846 0.5069
Median 2.4 -3.7
Mode 2.2 -6
Standard Deviation 3.9646 7.0605
Sample Variance 15.7183 49.8516
Kurtosis 41.4902 39.7526
Skewness -4.5675 -0.0527
Range 46.3 111.5
Min -35 -58.7
Max 11.3 52.8
Sum 496.9 -717.5
Count 194 194
Confidence Level(95%) 0.5614 0.9998

Bell Curves